The World according to DocBrain

Friday, July 14, 2006

Law as a bureaucracy

DocBrain has been helping (in a tiny way) DaughterBrain study for the Bar. DocBrain realizes that many aspects of the law are not based on anything that in any way is liberal or conservative. Many aspects of the law are based on the principle of confounding, without which, anyone could defend himself. In Pennsylvania, you can serve a person by US Mail but not by Fedex. Now, how would anyone figure that one out? Here is how. You use a lawyer or risk getting your case tossed out on a technicality. I would no more travel through a jungle without a guide than the court system without a lawyer. We need lawyers and courts. DocBrain could never be a lawyer as the intricate and bureaucratic regulations would drive him crazy. Just trying to comply with the regulations of managed care is too much!


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