The World according to DocBrain

Friday, June 23, 2006


Liberals see themselves as special people, able to see the world far more clearly than the narrow minded conservative. DocBrain went to some websites that defined the liberal philosophy. DocBrain did the heavy lifting and here are the main liberal points.

  1. Be modern. It is just cool to be modern. (DocBrain, aka DocGadget, can go along with this)
  2. The little guy is being screwed by the system. The solution: change the rules to favor the little guy. Make taxes, laws, and power structures favor the little guy. Disempower the rich and elite. If the old system can't do this, we need a new one. (DocBrain thinks about the movie "King Ralph" and wonders how the little guy will see the big picture. DocBrain also thinks about the blind justice statue and doubts that uncovering the left eye will make things right. DocBrain also notes that statistics on class mobility in the US suggests that the little guy often is the parent of the next big guy, and vice versa. Motivation to achieve personal best is good for all of us.)
  3. Everyone should be able to live their live as they want as long as they don't harm anyone (OK, but riddle me this: why is it OK to be free to have AIDS and not tell your partner? This was a liberal issue in the early 1980s that never computed with DocBrain. )
  4. All nations, working together, can achieve peace. You cannot get to peace through war. (DocBrain wonders how "peace" is defined, since there are many examples from history where peace followed war... in fact, that is all that history is! What we see, though, is triumph of one over another. It is always nice to see triumph without hot war, like Reagan brought us over the evil empire, but times and adversaries do not allow that in all cases, such as crazies like Hitler, and I suspect North Korea. There is no happy medium between freedom and fundamental Islam. We will not wind up in the middle somewhere, as fundamental Islam is opposed to #3 above. )

Except for #4, liberalism sounds a lot like the "Playboy Philosophy", which DocBrain read (OK, you caught me. DocBrain is lying. DocBrain did not know there was anything written in Playboy except "My turnoffs are people who hate cats and rainy days.")

DocBrain wonders which senses are most important. If a liberal smells a cigarette, he will go crazy. But why is it not right for a conservative to go crazy when he sees PDA between 2 guys? Both situations are in accordance with #3.

Being one of the little guys, DocBrain must now add meaning to his life and go to work.


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