The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The cycle of violence

When you can't decide who is the good guy and who is the bad guy, all you can do is decry the violence. Everything has multiple perspectives and yet it is possible to take sides. DocBrain thinks that there is no one person, group, country or organization that is perfect. Perfect, though, is the enemy of the good. This allows people to defend positions that are less good, as no one is perfect.

Israel is not perfect, not by a long shot! But, its imperfection is not a good enough reason for it to be attacked. Most of the complaints against Israel stem from its handling of its response to being attacked. Most justification for the "cycle of violence" position relate to Israel responding to attacks.

How about the "cycle of indifference"? That is what the Syrians, Jordanians, Egyptians, Iranians, Iraqis, and the other Arab Islamic majority countries have displayed towards the suffering of the Palestinians. Do they welcome them into their own countries as citizens? Do they give them charity and aid to build an economy? If so, where is the progress over the past 50 years? No one can tell me that the vast sums of oil money paid to the Middle East Islamic states is not enough to raise the standard of living of the Palestinians to a quality lifestyle.

So, to me, the situation is clear. Violence perpetrated upon the Israelis is wrong. The root cause of the "cycle of violence" is the bigotry against the Israeli government and the Jews.

DocBrain is not opposed to conflict as a way of resolving conflict, as long as it really solves the problem. If Israel is not going to bring the conflict to a close, it should shut down business. If those opposed to Israel can't finish the job, they are just wasting lives in a futile effort. It is not impatience that leads DocBrain to this conclusion. It is concern for human lives in the future and for the evolution of peace over conflict.

By the same token, if the democracies of the world cannot stop fundamental Islam, then they might as well shut down business. DaughterBrain is working so hard to learn US law, and she might as well get started on Sharia law now.

One question: if every Jew in Israel converted to Islam tonight, would the war continue tomorrow?


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