The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

I am so beautiful, to me!

We are in the age of narcissism. We are entitled to things, just because. We not only reward ourselves, but also expect to be rewarded by others. We deserve a break today; we are worth it; we deserve only the best. If we choose to reward ourselves after we have actually earned it, that is one thing. It is something completely different to borrow to satisfy wants or to expect it from others, such as from the government. We also trick ourselves by re-defining wants as needs. For a while we have been able to survive this without total financial collapse, but we are coming to the end of that. When we consume conspicuously, we bankrupt ourselves and our society. Regrettably, our government has the same disease, so we are in a use it or lose it scenario. If you don't spend it, the government will just tax it away.

We need fiscal responsibility at all levels and to not fall for the defining of wants as needs.


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