The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Superman, R.I.P.

Remember, boys and girls, what Superman came here to do? He was all about "truth, justice and the American way." We admired him, not just for his super powers, but for the fact that he used them in service of a greater good. Lets explore his guiding principles in light of modern, progressive America.

Truth is just another story. One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. It all depends on your point of view. No one today holds to the standard for truth and few can state it (the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth, and only the relevant truth).
Blind justice is gone from America. It is not what you did, but who you are. In everything from the college and job selection process to voter intimidation, equal treatment is not blind.
The American Way
Beginning from "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", the American Way developed into the concept of American exceptionalism through democracy and free enterprise. The USA was about the individual, not any groups. The individual American was dynamic and pragmatic, always trying to make his life better thru industriousness and innovation. "Deeds not Creeds".
Americans looked forward, never back. Education and a life of self improvement. Helping those truly in need no matter where they were. Do the crime, serve the time. Blind justice. The higher purpose was not in service of any one religion although belief in God was vital. The higher purpose was advancement of the human condition: the pursuit of knowledge; the elimination of suffering; the elimination of conflict; the perfection of the system to match the ideals of the American Way.
The new think is that groups take precedence over individuals, especially if your group meets a convoluted mythical definition of minority (Feagin, 1984). That public service rather than free enterprise is the ideal. That America is no better than any other country. That someone else controls your life. That justice should not be blind to the victim and villain. That there is no God, only Government. That only the "correct" knowledge should be pursued. That being an American is nothing special. That our country has no nobility, no right to secure its borders or to provide a special status for its citizens as compared to those who would invade our country for their own personal gain and without respect for the laws of our land. That Americans are so greedy that the government must take money to redistribute. That Americans are so indifferent to the suffering of others or of the environment that government must control everything.
DocBrain's brain was formed in the years when truth, justice and the American way were the ideals. DocBrain believes in judging a person by her actions, not her demographics. DocBrain believes that a country will be stronger if each individual is forced to develop his own ethical muscles, to think through the issues of the day and to contribute to the greater good as he sees fit. DocBrain believes that the law is the law, and respect for the law is respect for ourselves and our neighbors. Laws that are disrespectful to good people need to be eliminated. Laws that group people need to be eliminated. Laws that imply villainy of good citizens need to be eliminated. The laws need to be simple and clear enough for the average person to know, and logical enough for the average person to understand. For the exceptional person, say the congress member, a total mastery of every law on the books is mandatory for the position. We are most fortunate to have the free exchange of information, including TV, radio, and internet, to watch for unethical behavior and actions of individuals, corporations, groups and countries. This information can be easily disseminated with high penetrance. We do not need Big Brother. We need freedom to be our best selves.
If God were to speak to the Government, He would say "Let go of my people!"


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