The World according to DocBrain

Monday, June 14, 2010

Upgrade of last post

The last post was incomplete in its discussion of knowledge. There are actually 4 stages of knowledge. All are based upon the initial assumption that we live in a real universe, not in "The Matrix"; that what we see is what we have.

1. Truth (previously defined as what is true)
2. Statistics (observations that show relative truthiness [nod to Colbert], sometimes in a controlled setting)
3. Myth (commonly held belief by a group of people)
4. Opinion (belief held by an individual or several individuals)

A fact is an observation that can be true, but most facts that we encounter in our lives are not. A fact can lead to opinions and myth, especially when the fact is thought to be a truth. A fact can only be truth if it meets the 4 criteria of truth.

The four criteria of truth
1. The truth (the fact must on its surface be true)
2. The whole truth (the fact must not leave out any parts)
3. Nothing but the truth (the fact must not have any elements within it that are untrue)
4. Only the relevent truth (the fact must not include any elements, true or not, that are not relevent)

People have rightly become wary about "facts". Indeed, psychology has shown that facts are used to support opinion and myth, rather than used to develop truths. This is particularly true in the social sciences such as politics and economics.

Many, if not all, of the conflicts in the world are based upon opinion and myth, with facts being used to support one's position. The use of facts in the support of myth and opinion is illogical, but very human. Indeed, the way to go is to use facts to find truths.

The main problem is that many myths are primary in people's minds. If you want to conduct a mind experiment, take anything you believe and trace its roots.

This gets to my final point. Since no myth is theoretically superior to any other, how can one prevail over others?
1. By force (government over people; country over country; religion over religion; race over race; etc)
2. By popularity (the more it resonates with people, the more it will be accepted)

Since success is the truest (or truthiest) measure, any success that is not based on force or popularity is the closest thing we have to reality.

Watch for the myths. See how you are being played.


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