The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March Madness

"To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce
the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes."

The above is the purpose/mission statement of H.R.3962, the health care bill as it is now in the House of Representatives.

If you don't see something wrong with that statement, you have not been paying attention.

  • A health care provider is one who provides care. I am not sure that all the members of Congress even know how to perform CPR, let alone provide health care.
  • Will this Bill cover non-Americans (ie, undocumented visitors)? If so, then it flies in the face of its purpose.
  • What if the US could be the acme of world health care? What if the US health care system could employ 60% of the US work force and provide care, at a profit, to 60% of the nations of the world? There would be a growth in jobs, profits, and general wealth, but there would also be an increase in spending. This legislation could actually act to stifle growth and progress in one of the areas where the US still has dominance...the frontiers of health care.
  • Other purposes? Would you trust John Edwards to hire your daughter to be his secretary and "for other purposes"?

of California, Mr. STARK, Mr. PALLONE, and Mr. ANDREWS) introduced
the following bill"

These are the Representatives who introduced this legislation. I will just highlight two names.

Mr. Rangel. Hello???? DocBrain chaired two ethics committees! Exit, stage far left!

Mr. Stark. Anyone remember his claim to fame? Mr. Stark, of the Stark I and Stark II Laws, authored legislation that effectively limited competition in the health care industry and took control out of the hands of physicians, placing it in under the control of big corporations and big insurance. It was his grand schemes that got us into this mess. Costs skyrocketed as the Stark legislations opened the floodgates for middle-men in the health care industry. These individuals neither are providers nor insurers. They add nothing but cost to the system, thanks to Pete Stark. And you trust that a bill sponsored and authored by this gentleman will save you money and provide you with better care?

P.S. There are 1989 more pages in this bill. If you can't trust page 1...


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