The World according to DocBrain

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Cheap health care

Here are a few pointers on how to have inexpensive health care:
  • Take care of your body. Eat right, exercise, stretch, get enough sleep
  • Take care of your mind. Read, learn, exchange ideas with people
  • Take care of your psyche. Relax. Identify what you can change (ie, yourself) and what you cannot (ie, others) and focus on what you can do to make your life better.
  • Take care of business. Earn your own way in the world.
  • Tell it like it is. Don't lie or misrepresent to your health care provider.

Here are a few medical pointers:

  • If you are suffering but all your tests are normal, you will probably not die from it. Make your peace with your symptoms and move on. Only focus on it if new things develop
  • No treatment is without downside. Before trying something new, accept the downside.
  • Generics have their place, but so do brand name products.
  • Rely on your physician. If you don't trust your physician, get a different physician. If you can not find any physician to trust, maybe it's you (see above).


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