The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, February 11, 2010

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life...

No, this is not a paean to ugly women! This is statistics, baby!

The Pew research center did a survey of Americans and came to the conclusion that those who self describe themselves as happy have some interesting traits. Combining them, we get the following formula for happiness.

  • Study in school, work hard and get a good paying job (or run your own business). The higher the income, the more likely you will be happy. A person who earns more than 100k/yr is twice as likely to be happy as one who earns less than 30k
  • Get married. Married people are twice as likely to be happy as single people. However, if you are over 65 it is less important.
  • Get involved in something spiritual. Those who attend regular religious services are 66% happier than those who do not go to services.
  • Be a Republican. Republicans are 50% happier than either Democrats or Independents.
  • Move to the sunbelt. The differences here are very minimal, less than 20%, so you can stay where you are if you want.
  • Look to the future. We get happier as we get older. Life may not get better but it gets happier! Don't throw your life away when you are young because you believe that you won't be happier later. Men less than 30 are the most unhappy and this may explain why members of this group do the most antisocial things.
  • Take care of yourself. Healthy people are 3 times as likely to be happy as unhealthy ones.
  • Graduate college. Educated people are happier.
  • Don't sweat the small stuff, and it is all small stuff. People who feel rushed are less happy.
All this is too tough to remember. So they did a regression analysis and found that the main things that mattered in being happy were to be: healthy, religious, married, working and Republican.

Yeah, she can be ugly.


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