The World according to DocBrain

Monday, November 30, 2009

Economic Ethics

This is my attempt at providing a universal code of ethical behavior in the area of economics. It tries to separate economics from politics. Suggestions for additions and modifications are welcome!

Individual Economic Ethics
  1. Don't take anything that isn't yours or hasn't been given freely by another. Taking by deceit or fear is the same as taking by force. Both are illegal taking. "Anything" includes dignity, so politeness counts.
  2. Make as little impact on the environment as necessary to accomplish your tasks: conserve and preserve; waste not and future generations will want not.
  3. Have Personal goals to: Learn. Earn. Have Integrity. Contribute
  4. Support your government so that it can be empowered to fear or favor no individual or group. Ask not what your government can do for you, but what you can do for your government. If your government cannot get over its fear or favor, it is time for a new government.
  5. Join groups that promote your best self.
  6. Believe in economic equality and economic freedom. Each can decide what career path to follow, but each is also free to succeed or fail.

Political-State Economic Ethics

  1. Service in the public sector is an honor. Treat it that way.
  2. Taking from individuals in the name of the common good should serve only the common good. It should never be self-serving nor should it serve individuals or groups by taking from other individuals or groups. (Typical services that serve the common good are armies to defend the country, interstate roads, courts, police, prisons, and some national agencies such as the CDC and the EPA. Public education, hospitals and maintenance of local roads and highways could be handled by state and local governments.) The definition of common good is that where conformity outweighs individual choice. This should be narrowly defined.
  3. Protect the citizens from external harm
  4. Protect the citizens from indifference, incompetence, corruption and pandering within the government through internal and external assessments and controls. All of these actions are equally unethical for governments.
  5. Protect the citizens from each other and from groups through honest police and fair courts
  6. Maintain general services such as roads and the environment
  7. Maintain the integrity of the currency through sound monetary policies. Anything other than this would be an illegal taking.
  8. The government may never be a servant of an individual or a group. Serving the interest of one group or one individual over another is not the job of the government and is unethical. The government may, however, use its legal system to determine if any individual or group is fraudulent or is attempting to gain thru coercion or bribery.

Group Economic Ethics

A group is any collection of people that is not a government. It could be a corporation, organized crime, a religious organization or a social network. Groups have an identity and a mission statement (which could be to promote themselves, earn money, or even just to have a good time).

  1. Confidence in Competence. Internal assessment for external assurance that members are who they claim to be and are competent and qualified. Especially helpful for trade unions and professionals such as attorneys, accountants and physicians.
  2. Advocacy tied to the marginal added value provided by members of the group as compared to those who do not belong.
  3. The same rules that apply to an individual apply to group.

Comments and suggestions are welcome!


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