The World according to DocBrain

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Their your pictures!

The punchline of an old joke.

A man goes to a psychologist. The psychologist shows him Rorschach Inkblots ( The guy looks at the first picture and says "I see a naked woman". He says the same thing after each picture. Finally, the psychologist says, "Don't you think it is strange that you always see a naked woman?" The guy replies "Hey, their your pictures!"

DocBrain was just listening to a professor talking about racism in America. He sees racism everywhere, from the flood in New Orleans to the poverty of the inner city. No one can deny that some racism still exists, but so does some of every other bad thing. But it is not everywhere and not the root cause of every problem. As long as people continue to see racism as the core problem behind any problem that plagues the African-American community, striving for appropriate solutions will be hampered.

Racism is a head game. It is the straw dog used to justify being the underdog. It is used to justify not studying hard in school, not working hard, black on black crime as well as black on white crime, not winning when the opponent is not black, creating and listening to misogynist music, children without fathers, doing and dealing drugs, lack of politeness, and lack of patriotism. Since it is a justification, it must be invoked to explain behavior. It must be believed in order for it to have any real power over the individual.

The joke is that in order to see all the naked women, you gotta be crazy. Same goes for endemic racism.


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