The World according to DocBrain

Monday, July 21, 2008

Oy, L

We could stop buying foreign oil and could increase our exports of oil tomorrow just by doing one thing. Lets all stop our addiction to oil. So, starting tomorrow, lets all stop using anything that uses fossil fuel for our personal lives and for our businesses and government.

There you go! Oil problem solved!

That is basically what the democrats say when pressured about the oil crisis.

There are only a few problems with their scenario.
  1. We just can't stop cold turkey. There is nothing to replace the oil that is practical and ready to be brought to market. If there was, you can be sure that private business would have done it already. Unless there are some crazy laws interfering with it. You know, like laws that would interfere with establishing a wind farm wherever you wanted to, or a nuclear reactor from being built, or dams with hydroelectric plants from being built. You know, the typical places where government gums up the works for private enterprise.
  2. A transition period of decades will be needed, during which time those who supply us with oil will increase their profit margins.
  3. The unknown issues that will arise are, well, unknown. Who would have thought that using biofuel would increase the cost of a pizza? Will the electric cells in cars be so powerful as to create a cancer risk in drivers? Will the electric cells require the use of a precious metal that is only available from a foreign country? Too many unknowns to be predictive of the future.

The best approach is to conserve and to increase national production at the same time that we look into alternative fuels. Listening to democrats say, "We can't drill ourselves out of this" or "We need to preserve the pristine wilderness" or "We need to develop alternative fuels" is driving DocBrain crazy! Its like listening to some teenager saying "Cleaning up my room won't give me better grades".

What is the problem? Here it is. Truth. What is truth? It is the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth and only the relevent truth. Anything less is untrue or deceptive. The democrat lines are partial truths and therefore deceptions at best, and lies at worst. Yes, we cannot drill ourselves out of a situation when we do not plan to conserve or develop alternative fuels, but that doesn't mean that drilling is useless. Yes, we need to have pristine wilderness, but we also need to preserve our economy for ourselves and our children. Yes, we need alternative fuels, but in an environment of legal morass, this is much harder than just basic science and economics.

Most annoying is the condescending attitude the democrats take as they recite their deceptions, daring anyone to disagree. How can one disagree with a need to keep our wilderness pristine? If subtracting from pristine wilderness is bad, then is adding to it good? If so, then let's start with the homes of all democrats. Level them. Turn them into parklands. Let democrats live in high rise buildings, in small efficiency apartments that can be easily heated and cooled. Take their cars. Let them all use mass transit. Take their computers, as computers have toxic wastes in them. Let them set an example for all the rest of us to follow. Brave liberals, like Martin Luther King, have always walked the walk, leading by example. None of this BS energy credits, but true conservation, limitation, reduction of energy footprint in a way that would make Gandhi proud. Ask not what your neighbor can do for your country, but what you can do. And just do it!

Walk the walk, tough guys!


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