The World according to DocBrain

Friday, May 02, 2008

Primary Screams

Does expressing the extent of your anger at others make your life better? Does rumination on past wrongs make the future better? Does repeatedly blaming others do more than taking yourself to the next level of knowledge, competency, positive passion, or positive action?

Current psychological theory suggests that the answer to all the above questions is "No!".

Attack politics and pulpits are not the answer to building a better future and eternity. Loyalty to the person, but not to a bad action, is the key to helping people without ignoring the truth. Hell and damnation from the pulpit should be levelled at actions, not people, places or institutions. The desire for remorse and restitution can drive you crazy, and will not make you better or very much happier.

It is a sad state of affairs that many people believe that the answer to some, if not all, the questions in the first paragraph is "Yes!" But belief does not make their answers right. Politicians must play to those who will never find true happiness in their search for reasons for their misery. But those in the pulpit should be taking us to the next level.

Reverend Wright should read the Scarlet Letter. The self righteous Reverend Dinsdale is a fictional character who should serve as a negative role model for all who would distort or dishonor the role of spiritual leader.


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