The World according to DocBrain

Friday, February 08, 2008

President Obama

Never try to outliberal a liberal. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

John McCain is a good man with much experience who will represent the Republican party in the next presidential election. Barack Obama is a good man with no experience who will represent the Democrat party in the next presidential election.

Both are popular and have a "rock star" type of status. Both seem affable.

Voters in the middle will vote mainly according to who they like better. Less than 5% will vote on the issues. At the present time, Obama seems to be winning the beauty contest.

Conservatives are calling the Republican baby ugly and will stay home. Racist Democrats (judging from the primaries, mainly living in New England and the rust belt including PA) will stay home. DocBrain believes there are more conservatives than racist Democrats, making Obama a shoo-in.


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