The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

USA 2.0

USA 1.0

The USA is the country founded on the concept of independence. It's foundation was based on the concept of natural human rights that the government cannot abridge because these rights derive from the Creator of all things. It's unofficial motto is "can do". It is the country of optimism, of each average Joe and Jane having the opportunity to take it to the next level. It is the country where the rule of law, based upon reason, is the only law of the land. It is the country of charity, good will to others, of morality based upon the belief in the power of good people to change the world.

USA 2.0

The USA is a country of unequals: of rich and poor, white and non-white, citizens and undocumented aliens. It is the country where success is a measure of vice and failure a measure of virtue. It is the country where equality is the main goal. It is the country where the concept of a Creator is disparaged and central government reigns supreme. It is the country where we expect our government to provide for us. We "can't do" without our government's help. It is the country of debt. Where each of us who has any measure of success owes each of us who has not succeeded, whether by lack of effort or lack of ability. It is the country where common sense and good intentions have been supplanted by laws, rules and regulations. It is the country where patriotism is a bad word and being less than equal entitles you to a pass on gracious behavior, good manners, bigotry, and even following the laws of the land. It is the country where the ladder of success must be blind to individual differences but enforcement of the laws must not.

DocBrain thinks Washington needs an uninstall program to get us back to USA 1.0



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