The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Where I stand

The economy: With free trade, workers here are competing against workers in other countries. Some of these countries have lower taxes and/or lower standards of living. People living in these countries are able to buy more goods and services with less money, so there is a competitive advantage. The only jobs that don't suffer are those that require physical presence and/or special certification. In order to live the high life here, we must find a way to improve the buying power of the dollar. The best solution is to reduce taxes and regulations to enable a more competitive environment.

Energy: We need energy, but we should not waste it. Telecommuting needs to be encouraged. High speed trains and luxury buses need to be developed to supercede autos and planes. We need to make city streets safe for walking, biking, and small motorized vehicles (scooters, Segways, mini-cars, etc). We need to streamline and automate traffic flow so that stop and go driving is significantly reduced. We need to go nuclear, solar, wind, water, and geothermal. Renewable biofuel energy needs to be developed and mainstreamed. Special tax credits need to be enacted for research, development, and early adapters.

Health Care: Quality life is precious. Tax unhealthy foods. Use the power of the media and free market to make a healthy lifestyle "cool". Return health care professionals to the center stage of health care. Get the businessmen, attorneys, and government out of health care delivery. Let the free market establish the value of health care.

Immigration: There are more people in the world who want to come here than there are jobs for them. There are more jobs for people who want to come here than we currently admit as legal aliens. The goal is to bring everyone in the country who is working into the tax and insurance structure so they pay their own way. If a person is not covered by private health insurance and/or is not paying taxes, that person is not entitled to stay here unless that person is a US citizen. All people who living here who are not US citizens need to be documented; any who are unemployed are to be deported unless they find an appropriate job within a specified period of time, perhaps 3 months. They may be given a certificate that would allow them easy re-entry when an appropriate job becomes available, but until such time, they must leave. We must control our border to reduce the cost of documentation, job verification, and deportation. Obviously, all hardened criminals are to be deported.

Iraq war: We must not become an occupying force. We must give Iraq a chance to survive as a democracy. The world is a catch 22 place. If we abandon them, they will fall back into a primitive, anti-western, pro-jihadist mindset, and will be a source of harm to us. If we work with them, they will eventually come to cherish liberty and freedom as we do. They will develop a strong market economy and a love for modern education and will eventually challenge us on the field of economic combat. Like China. I would rather see an economic conflict than a military one. The world is going multinational and global, so go with the flow.


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