The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Who defines you?

DocBrain does not like war, yet, he does not agree with the positions held by those who are defined as "anti-war" by the media, so he must be "pro-war".

DocBrain does not like other people telling him who he is. This is something the media does, almost always to the detriment of conservative thinkers, or even liberal thinkers who are not wing-nut radicals.

DocBrain does not believe in drive-by abortions, so DocBrain is "anti-choice".
DocBrain does not believe that any class of people should have special privileges or protections bestowed upon them from the government, so DocBrain is against "gay rights", against "hate crimes", against "affirmative action". DocBrain believes people should be thankful for whatever benificence they recieve from others, so DocBrain is "anti-Entitlement". DocBrain really sounds like a bad person.

DocBrain thinks it is time for us, the conservative-mainstream of society, to name names.

  • DocBrain says each possible abortion is a decision point and must be considered on its individual merits, and one consideration is the unborn child. DocBrain defines this as "pro-common sense".
  • DocBrain believes in equal rights for all Americans, so DocBrain is "Pro-Equal rights"
  • DocBrain believes that all crimes against people are bad, no matter what the motive, so DocBrain is "Anti-Crime"
  • DocBrain believes the best qualified should get the job, so DocBrain is "Pro-Merit".
  • DocBrain believes that a person should pay it forward, being thankful for the help of others, so DocBrain is "Pro-Charity".
  • DocBrian believes that peace comes from resolving conflicts, so DocBrain is "Pro-Peace".

This makes the typical reflexive liberal, by DocBrain's definitions, anti-common sense, anti-equal rights, pro-crime, anti-merit, anti-charity, and anti-peace.


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