The World according to DocBrain

Thursday, January 25, 2007

What's in your brain?

How do you approach life and its problems? DocBrain thinks there are several ways of approaching problems, and we tend to have our own unique styles. Here are my thoughts on this at this time.

  • Practical vs Dreamer. A practical person looks at the data and responds in a way that leads to the most expedient solution. A dreamer looks at the data and thinks about ways that have failed in the past, but might just succeed if...
  • Passionate vs logical. A passionate person is fed data and responds emotionally. A logical one responds logically.
  • Imaginative vs Unimaginative. The imaginative person looks at the data and thinks "we could" or "what if". This is the leader-type. The unimaginative looks at the data and thinks "must follow the rules/bureaucracy." This is the follower type.
  • Suspicious-negative vs trusting-positive. The suspicious person looks at the data and thinks of the dark side, the trusting looks and sees the bright side.
  • Time vs timeless. A time driven person shoots from the hip and moves on. A timeless person procrastinates and never seems to be in a rush.

DocBrain finds few people who are completely polar all the time, but most people develop a style for dealing with the challenges of life. Which type do you tend to be?


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