The World according to DocBrain

Monday, December 25, 2006

Potterville...The New America

DocBrain just watched "It's a Wonderful Life". In it, we see the impact the life of George Bailey had on the people and community around him. What is worth noting is the depiction of how things would have been if he never was born. This vision of a less good world is actually like America is today.
In Bedford Falls, people of all types pulled together. We see white and black, rich and poor, living in a community where common decency, moral living, politeness, and respect are center stage.
In Potterville, we see the collapse of morality with a new freedom to enjoy debaucheries from girlie shows to loud and rancorous bars. The good and moral people are marginalized and diminished. Ernie has lost his wife and child to divorce. Nick is a skeptical and intolerant put-down artist. Even the policeman Bert seems harsher, shooting at George for punching him and running away, something he probably would not have done in a kinder and gentler Bedford Falls.
To DocBrain, Potterville seems more like America today than Bedford Falls.

Not only should every life matter, but decency can coexist with nonconformity. DocBrain believes that should be the new take home message from this movie classic.


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