The World according to DocBrain

Monday, December 04, 2006

If you sound like a good person...

Peace and love...if you can express this in your opinion, how can you be wrong?

Here are some examples.

People are basically good. If we just did away with guns, we would have peace.

  • Even the Bible refers to elimination of non-gunpowder related weapons (swords and spears for those who have forgotten).
  • Laws are enforced by ... well, force. So, no force, no law. Or perhaps, if only the government had force... Attention liberals: remember Kent State?
  • Weapons are a way of equalizing power among unequals. So, without weapons it becomes truly survival of the fittest. The charm of Conan the Barbarian was that a man so powerful fought for those who couldn't fight for themselves. The horror of Hitler was that he used his power to destroy the weak. In modern times, a small group of people with a suitcase nuke can bring the largest and most powerful countries to their knees...bad if the country espouses good values, but it could go the other way someday.
  • Generalizations are basically generalizations...not always true, no matter how good it sounds.
  • One true solution is to have people (and countries) become more connected with each other.
  • The other component is to somehow alter human drives to reduce human violent passions. This is within the power of science but the ultimate in reduction in human freedom, since all passions have a common thread.

The war in Iraq was wrong.

  • DocBrain has never heard this expressed as "Saddam Hussein is a good man, wonderful role model and a great leader. Why should we topple this kind and gentle soul?"
  • DocBrain usually hears "They aren't our problem." "They are not worth losing even one American life." "Going there makes us look like an aggressor." "They haven't hurt us. They aren't part of the war on terror."
  • Now, DocBrain hears "Look at how bad things are going there. These people are not ready for freedom. We have wasted American lives and wealth to free people who do not want to be free." "They are now free to kill each other. How unkind of us!"
  • DocBrain believes that this trip led by GWB into the idealism of spreading the gospel of life, liberty, property, pursuit of happiness and equality does show something. If this doesn't work abroad, how can we say that it works here? If we are willing to give up on it in Iraq (because we need more troops to enforce it), what does that say about our own aims here? We are as we think. Perhaps these aims are not part of human nature. Perhaps we need an armed, vigilant populace to prevent this from slipping away from us here? Perhaps, this combination of goals may be attained but not preserved? Surely, there are major conflicts between liberty and equality, property and life. In Iraq, we see groups choosing liberty and property and eschewing equality and life. They are free to take property, kill their enemies and to spit on those they feel are not their equals, as defined by their belief systems. It is not a large leap to see those entrenched in the welfare state as being opposed to the freedom of the employed to reduce their tax burden and the use of government power to make us all follow some measure of bureaucratic, nonsensical mediocre equality standard.


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