The World according to DocBrain

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The party of the minority

With so many qualified individuals available to run for office, one would expect that the candidates would demographically represent the makeup of the party. As many more women and minorities are Democrat, we should see this reflected in the candidates from a non-paternalistic party.

Of those running for the US House of Representatives from Pennsylvania:

Party Male Female Minority
Democrat 15 3 1
Republican 16 2 1

Also, for governor, the Republicans have put up an African-American against the Democrats who support the white man.

Pittsburgh, which has had a Democrat mayor for almost 100 years, has never had an African-American mayor. Amazingly, the Democrat party, which has a strangle-hold on Pittsburgh politics, has been able to put up totally incompetent party hacks but has not been able to find one qualified African-American to endorse for mayor.

While one could argue with the issues each candidate endorses, one cannot argue with the statistically increased opportunity offered to minorities by Republicans, at least in Pennsylvania.

The Democrats may talk about getting people off the plantation and out of the kitchen, but it is the Republicans who are walking the walk.


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