The World according to DocBrain

Saturday, November 04, 2006


As a general rule, when you are young, you have as open-minded values as you are ever going to have. Certain issues raise concerns among young people, including the use of government power to oppress a minority. They see homosexuals as such a minority, being denied the right to marriage. They also see women being denied the right to abortion.

Concerning gay marriage, it is hard to be judgmental about people who would appear to have no choice in their sexual preferences. Whether nature or nurture (or both), the decision to be homosexual or bisexual is usually reached relatively early in life. The fear that condoning or, dare I say, celebrating homosexual unions would somehow cheapen marriage is as absurd to me as the concept that marriage is a sacred committment in a society where 50% of all marriages end in divorce. These divorcing heterosexuals had and made choices, and we cut them a break. I see that we either toughen our stance against divorce or allow homosexual marriage, and I see no pressure for the former, so I support the latter.

DocBrain has previously written about abortion, which is also a choice issue, unlike homosexuality. Choices require value judgements, which implies that there are good reasons to consider both sides of an issue. Emotion clouds judgement and should be carefully removed from the equation. Abortions done for fear, anger, and revenge and done on the spur of the moment or under the influence of mind-altering substances may lead to a lifetime of regret and shame. So, DocBrain does not support unlimited abortion on demand any more than he supports allowing anyone to purchase a gun at any time and without review. Nonetheless, abortion should remain the decision of the pregnant woman, done without undue emotional pressure on either side of the choice.

At what level of risk do people have the right to potentially harm others? Second hand smoke is known to be a health care risk and smoking has been banned in public places. Yet, some lobby for legalization of marijuana. If legalized, should it be illegal to smoke marijuana in public or among friends if even one of them doesn't smoke? Inquiring minds want to know.

DocBrain applauds Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, who have generously given their money to fight the problems of the world. Should this liberty apply to all citizens, or should we confiscate as much money as possible to the government so that it can redistribute wealth?

Somehow, we have gotten away from the concept of liberty with responsibility.


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