The World according to DocBrain

Saturday, October 07, 2006


DocBrain worked hard today. DocBrain will eventually get paid for working today. How much of what DocBrain earned today should he have to surrender to other people?

If ability to earn is taxed and need is rewarded, then need becomes an asset and ability a liability (Milton Friedman). This is the paradox of income and wealth distribution.

The argument is that wealth must be redistributed because it naturally distributes according to factors independent of need. While need is a driving force leading to seeking of wealth, some in need do not have the ability or opportunity to produce goods or services that create wealth.

The second point is that wealth is a fixed entity. You can only have guns or butter, so the old philosophy goes. If wealth were unfixed, then in theory everyone could have wealth.

The third point is that, if you have wealth and wish to give it to those who have none, can you attach strings to it? Can you purchase something from others or does the gift have to come without any strings?

DocBrain believes that all redistribution must come with some strings. Altruism is not sustainable in the real world, as it creates too much benefit for the recipient and no benefit for the donor. Enlightened self interest is the only sustainable system for societies, as it places a burden upon recipients (increasing their desire to be totally unburdened) and gives the donors something in exchange for their sacrifice. Total self interest does not allow for the ebb and flow of luck (fortune), unequal opportunity, and unequal talent. It is too ruthless and without mercy.

DocBrain believes that wealth is not fixed. Here is some evidence. The graph below is the growth in the value of the money in circulation in the USA from 1910 to 2000. This value in indexed to 1910 and represents the true value of the money in circulation in terms of 1910 dollars. It plainly shows the growth of true wealth, with 10 times the wealth in 2000 as in 1910. You can do the math yourself. The source websites are:

So, wealth can be created and must be distributed in a way that satisfies the need of civilization to encourage ability and industriousness, and yet includes provisions for limited redistribution to satisfy needs of the disabled and inopportune but only with strings attached to ensure that civilization is purchasing something of value from the recipients.


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