The World according to DocBrain

Friday, May 07, 2010

The Problems with Liberalism, Part 9

9. A liberal believes that those who abuse the system are exceptions and not the rule.
  • This is quite curious. Command and control laws are required to control the dishonest greedy urges of the middle and upper classes to keep their money and the poor are honest. Money corrupts the rich and poverty ennobles the poor.
  • Uncorrupted by the vices of money, higher education, and the intelligensia, the poor with their simple values are good people. We should all be so good as those on the public dole! How many people break laws, abuse the system from positions of wealth, fame and power? From Fatty Arbuckle to OJ, look at the mayhem from the famous!
  • Here is another take on this from DocBrain. There are so many laws on the books in America that I believe that there is no one in America who has not broken (or severely bent) at least one law. We are a nation of laws and lawbreakers. The laws are too complex and those in power are hell-bent to keep adding and obfuscating. They even are quite open about voting for laws they have not read and do not understand!
  • Data shows that the poor who are held down by the system, the man, are exceptions not the rule. So, those who remain in need are often those who have not found their way out. This is an abuse of the system, as much by those who devised and support the system as by those who partake of it. The system is not working. Focusing on those who abuse it (whether many as DocBrain believes or few as a liberal believes) is not the solution. The solution is to replace the system with one that cycles down as it creates opportunity and motivation and people escape the cycle of poverty (which is not ennobling in spite of what a liberal believes).

In summary, the issue is not whether a poor person is abusing the system but the system itself. The system is 50 years old, fat with pork, and has not achieved its goal of ridding our society of the poor. It has created an entitlement subculture that knows the laws far better than the lawmakers who voted for them. Time to get rid of the poor people by making them all at least middle class, not by giving them more, but by allowing them to deserve more through their assimilation into the American Dream. And the biggest surprise is that this could be done with much less government intervention and much less tax money.


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