The World according to DocBrain

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Social Justice

This is my opinion of social justice, sort of like DocBrain's own "Playboy Philosophy".

1. The most qualified person deserves the position. Neither affirmative action nor nepotism nor the "good old boy" network places the best qualified person in the job.

2. Never take what is not rightfully yours. If you have not earned it by the strength of your muscles or the power of your brain or the action of your money, it is not yours no matter what you may think or what anyone may tell you. In your heart you know I am right.

3. Never use tears or guns to take from anyone else. However, if you are in need and someone is willing to offer you charity, you certainly may accept it with grace and attempt to both repay it and to pay it forward. Similarly, if the spirit moves you, it is not wrong to give to those in need, but better to give a hand up than a hand out.

4. The purpose of government is to protect you from those who would take from you. This includes not only the overt with guns, but also the cheaters and deceivers who steal labor from the worker, money from the customer, time and materials from the employer, and a healthy environment from all of us. You owe the government for providing this for you. Pay your debts or feel the guilt.


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