The World according to DocBrain

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Social Justice Part 2

Whenever I see poverty and obscene wealth, I see a lack of freedom.

The laws of the land create poverty. They do it by omission and commission. If you want to rid the world of poverty, rid the world of laws that tie the poor to the government, that limit the hopes and dash the enthusiasm of the poor to better themselves. In a true democracy, the poor do not need the government to survive; but many of those in government need the votes of the poor to maintain their power, so they use the laws to keep the poor tied to their poverty. These same laws create the super-rich.

Less laws will lead to more wealth and a more fair distribution of wealth.

It is truly a paradox that the more the government tries to create equality, the more unequal the people become. Conversely, the more freedom given to people by the government, the more equal they become.


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