The World according to DocBrain

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Social Justice Part 1

Campaign Finance Reform is like two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.

I am appalled that liberals would actually buy into this! Liberals are all about social justice, but CFR is unjust. Lets consider it for a moment.

Power exists in money and in numbers. So, how can those without numbers and without money get a real voice, a real chance to impact the country? Do they have to suck up to one of the big boys in order to get a seat at the table? Is this social justice?

Isn't social justice the championing of those without a voice but with the right to be heard, to have their issues addressed in the name of fairness?

True social justice would have equal, fixed amounts of money (and money surrogates such as air time) to be spent for each candidate for each election, and that would be the same for every candidate in every race. It would not just favor the rich and numerous, but would give an equal voice to the passionate and downtrodden.

Failure to champion the less advantaged political parties is typical of the hypocrisy of the left.


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