The World according to DocBrain

Monday, June 15, 2009

Greenie, greenier, greeniest!

We have global climate change, the earth is in the balance. And who do we have to thank? Yes, YOU! All of you! There are too many of YOU out there!

Don't you want to go green, save the earth? You do? Wonderful! So, what is the problem and how can we solve it?

The Problem: There are just too many people. Each of us, even those living in the tropical rainforests, has a carbon footprint. Even if everyone went back to nature, the carbon footprint is still too large.

The Solution: Bring back the controls that the earth had on us. A world population of a few million instead of a few billion is within our grasp. What are these controls, you ask? There are three.

1. Famine. If we just made enough food for ourselves, that would do just fine. We should raise the price of food. Animals can fend for themselves. Those animals that depend on us are overpopulated themselves and can afford a population drop. Their methane footprint is also a problem.
2. Disease. People now survive acute illnesses. The pandemics, and even the little epidemics and plagues were wonderful in taking out the old and infirm and also the young, usually before they had the opportunity to reach adulthood and breed more children.
3. War. What is it good for? Thinning the ranks of the breeding stock! Many people have been killed by governments waging war for beliefs, land, genetic purity, etc. And these are the young people, just getting ready to multiply. While this is not a "natural" control, it is part of our social nature, so is "natural".

I am surprised that none of the "green" advocates have championed the root solutions to the problem.

Lastly, some people just want to help now, in a small way. For them, I provide the following link

See ya!


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