The World according to DocBrain

Friday, May 29, 2009

Who are you?

If you thought a Hispanic is a person of Latino orign, an African-American is an American with some Negro racial lineage, or a woman is a human with two x chromosomes, you would be sorely mistaken in America. You may only claim these characteristics if you are a democrat.

If you happen to have any of these characteristics and are a republican, you are a sell-out. You are not part of La Raza; not a Brother; not a real woman. Alberto Gonzales, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice and Sarah Palin all learned this the hard way. Colin Powell is a slow, but steady learner.

If you happen to be Jewish, you are pitiful if you side with the republicans. You have no conscience, you do not care about those who are "disadvantaged". You are selfish and self centered. You are not a mensch.

If you are a white, Christian male and democrat, you are compassionate and not part of the hateful majority. If you are a republican, you are warmongering and hatemongering, part of the group that has oppressed minorities for centuries.

Only in America can republicans worry about appearing sexist and racist by opposing a woman of Latino origin for becoming a Supreme Court justice after we have just had prominent examples of both groups holding high office in the past administration and as potential vice president. Only in America can democrats trash a Latino (Gonzales), a woman (Palin), and an African-American (Thomas) and be seen as nonbiased and inclusive.

Remember this:

Republicans freed the slaves. Democrats maintained Jim Crow.
Anyone can open a business. Until recently, labor unions (mainly Democrat) excluded African-Americans.
Pittsburgh, a strongly Democrat city, has never been able to field an African-American Mayor.


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