The World according to DocBrain

Friday, May 29, 2009

Stranger in a strange land

We had been monitoring this civilization for some time from afar. We knew they looked like us and we were able to learn their language by monitoring some of their transmissions. This was the moment of truth. Could we infiltrate their society, live among them without their noticing our being different? We beamed JANNRO to the surface. He would be our first explorer on this strange planet.

When we returned 5 years later and retrived JANNRO, he had many strange and wonderful stories to tell.

He told us about a land, vast and plentiful. However, the people in this land had strange ideas. They gave legal preference to those of certain dark skin color and racial origin. They imprisoned young women whose decision about what was best for their children did not meet the accepted views of society, but celebrated those who killed their fetuses in the womb as having chosen the best course of action. They celebrated the vows of monogamy between those of the same sex and accepted a 50% separation rate among those of opposite sexes. They rewarded those who were unemployed with more wealth if they were separated from their spouses. They had so many laws, so many that even our great leader KJUR could not know them all. Everyone could be a criminal and not know it. Those who passed laws upon the heads of the people did not even read the laws before passing them, because these laws were so large and complex. Success and failure were believed to be marks of luck, not talent. This allowed these people to believe that the successful owed the failures, not that the failures should learn from the successful. People were viewed as inherently evil, to be controlled by a large, intrusive government. Being friendly to the head of a peaceful country that supplied energy fluids to this country but had strange religious beliefs was considered wrong, but showing deference to the heads of war-like countries who spread hate was considered right. It was a place where the average person on the street was more honest than the average person of power.

Could JANNRO have made all this up? His mind seems to be damaged. He keeps saying over and over again "Yes, we can" and "Change".


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