The World according to DocBrain

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

JFK has left the building

President Kennedy asked us to think of what we can do for our country, not what our country can do for us. Following his death, all politicians have been thinking about is what their country can do for and to us. The current president and Congress are no different in mission, just more aggressive in tactics. From huge expenditures on questionable programs to supporting failing companies, the current Congress and the last one have been spending like crazy. Neither President has stood up for us. Obama is actually in sync with Congress, using his popularity and oratory skills to give them cover as they spend.

What all Democrats agree upon is that the rich (however they choose to define it) should bear much of the burden for our country, paying for whatever the government chooses to finance, rent or buy. Where the Democrats disagree is on the burden that we the nonrich should have. Many see little burden for us. This is most unfortunate, as it creates loss of esteem and pride among the less fortunate among us. Just because those of us who are not rich cannot fund the governmental largesse doesn't mean we cannot contribute to the financial health of our country.

Here are some things that we, the non-rich, can do to create self worth in these trying times:
  • Take excellent care of ourselves. Healthy eating, weight control, regular exercise, taking medications as prescribed, no smoking, and good mental health can reduce overall health care costs.
  • Pay it forward. Help others. Donate time. Pick up litter.
  • No street drugs. If we don't use them, we will save money on law enforcement, health care costs, personal budgets, and improve our relationships with Mexico and other countries. It is amazing what impact we can have on foreign policy just by saying no to drugs.
  • Conserve energy. Turn off the lights. Stay married with children.
  • Improve our skills and knowledge. Think of things in the long term. It takes on average 10 years of training and practice to become excellent in any chosen field. If you don't like what you are doing, don't leave it until you know what you like. Perhaps, you may be a person who doesn't really like anything, so you might as well stay where you are.
  • Think about what you as an individual are doing and see if it fits as part of the big picture of making America better. If you cannot see how you are doing that, then perhaps what you are doing is not making America better, and it is time to change direction.
  • If you think you are doing enough, remember that the rich thought they were paying enough taxes. Take what you are doing to the next level.
  • If you don't think that you can do this, then guess what? You are part of the problem. Get help or move to another country and be their problem.

DocBrain is not rich. But DocBrain is contributing to our country. Are you?


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