The World according to DocBrain

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Imagine that you are a presidential candidate and you need to choose a vice presidential candidate. Who would you choose?
  • A man who will be a strong advocate for the positions that your party advocates.
  • A man who is honorable and respected as a public official.
  • A man who could step in if needed to take your place.
  • A man who is vital and knowledgable, no matter what his age.

Now, imagine that the man is black. Does that change anything? No? Good.

Now, imagine that the man is a woman.

For democrats, they seem to have a problem with Sarah Palin. "How can she be a good mother and a public official?" more than one liberal woman asked me incredulously.

What a horrible position for liberals to take! Discounting a woman because she is a woman! One may not agree with her positions, but to take her to task for her ability to balance work and home in her own way is

Did McCain choose her because of the "W" card? To win Hillary votes? I doubt it, because liberal women are first and foremost liberals. If I know this, certainly he does, too. Perhaps it is because she was the best person for the job, the best person to win the conservative base and to balance the ticket. What a funny state of affairs: conservatives defending the choice of a woman and liberals attacking it! Just goes to show.


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