The World according to DocBrain

Monday, February 25, 2008

Love or something damn near like it has a hold...

Only a few times in a lifetime can a person witness a near complete national adolation for a public figure. Woman swoon. Men are emboldened. A feeling of unity, passion, commitment, and rightness swells in the breast as supporters march as brothers and sisters towards a bright, new future. It is as if the leader has a spark of divinity within, a savior that has come to bring us to a higher level, to show us the way.

For the Germans in the 1930's, it was the brash young politico Adolf Hitler. For Cuba, it was the young Fidel. JFK and Reagan had some of the awe inducing nature, but to a much lesser extent.

DocBrain tends to be a little suspicious when he sees this type of public adolation. Barack Obama is receiving this type of awe-struck support. He certainly talks the game, using all the skills of a great modern orator. DocBrain has attended several seminars in public speaking, and even took a course in high school. The techniques Obama uses are well known and well used by him. But, will that make him the right person to lead our country?

With great oratory skills comes great power to influence and control, but not necessarily great wisdom or outcomes. We have seen in recent years that poor oratory abilities leads to lack of confidence in the wisdom of our leaders, so many flock to him believing the converse must be true. Which, of course, it is not.

Obama is a socialist, at minimal soft core. Capitalist societies celebrate excellence and private enterprise. Socialist societies celebrate government and mediocrity.

Obama is somewhat unusual in his socialism without apparent patriotism. If he becomes president, it will be interesting to see how he deals with the concept of patriotism. I suspect he will demand more of it from us.


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