The World according to DocBrain

Saturday, March 11, 2006

DocBrain uses Dirty Words

George Carlin once opined that there are 7 words you can't say on television. DocBrain gives you this link if you do not know them:

DocBrain has discovered that there are 7 dirty words you can't say to liberals. These are: nationalism, patriotism, duty, self-made, Jesus, charity, and liberty. George W. Bush, Haliburton, Cheney, and Abu Ghraib are NAMES not WORDS...we are talking about words here!

Just try to use these words in a conversation with a liberal and see what happens, especially if you try to apply the word to the liberal. It is like swearing at them.

Here are some one liners. Try them just for fun.

"If Jesus were here, He would not like the way you refer to George Bush."

"I think that colleges should have the liberty to enroll the best applicants regardless of race."

"Charity is better than government entitlements, since charity makes the giver feel good and the receiver feel obligated to pay it forward."

"As a citizen of the United States, you should subjugate your different racial, ethnic and religious identity in favor of nationalism and national camaraderie."

"It is your patriotic duty to defend our country."

"You are self-made. You could have been better or done more, but have just chosen to be as you are. It is no one's fault but your own."

DocBrain is bawdy and wants to know more dirty words. Feel free to add to my list.


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