The World according to DocBrain

Monday, March 06, 2006

Abortion and the law

OK, contraversy right out of the gate. Here goes. Those who oppose abortion on demand do so because of their belief that human life begins at conception. The key word here is "belief". Various religions have defined the beginning of human life at different stages, and as any scientist knows, life is a continuum, passing from one organism to its offspring. A sperm cell and an ovocyte are not dead! They are very complex live cells. So, when life begins is a belief, and as such should be regulated according to all beliefs...personal choice. No woman should be forced to have an abortion (or use contraception) if it is against her beliefs, nor should any woman be forced against her beliefs to be inseminated or to carry a fetus to birth. Any other ruling by the courts is just a contamination of state by religion, and specific subunits of religion to be most correct. If we are doing everything by the Book, then let the woman choose between having the child and being stoned to death. Otherwise, lets just allow good people to choose what they believe.


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