The World according to DocBrain

Friday, March 10, 2006

ADDled education!!

True Story

Imagine you have a little girl. She is in 4th grade. She rides the bus to school. She is nice and sweet. Everyone likes her. Well, almost everyone.

Imagine there is a 5th grade boy who physically and psychologically abuses her on the bus. Everyone sees it. Everyone knows. So, you complain to the school because there is a rule that if a child is bad on the bus, the child may not ride the bus.

Guess what? You are told that because the boy has ADD, he MUST ride the bus.

The boy spends many days with his grandfather. The grandfather is a retired policeman who has many guns around his house. The boy threatens to bring guns on to the bus and shoot the girl.

Guess what? You are told that because the boy has ADD, he MUST ride the bus.

You ask, "What if my daughter hits this boy?" You are told that your daughter will be forbidden from riding the bus for 1 week and that it will be your responsibility to get your daughter to school. Why? Because your daughter does not have ADD.

DocBrain asks these questions: Where are the randomized controlled trials showing lack of effectiveness of pain or physical intervention as a deterrant to bad behavior in ADD? Where are the randomized controlled trials showing that pain as a way of getting the child's attention to focus on learning not to do bad behavior doesn't work in children with ADD? Where are the randomized controlled trials showing that aggressive, badly behaved children become better when allowed to bully other children? Where are the randomized controlled trials showing that good children benefit from being bullied by aggressive, badly behaved children?

Children with ADD have special needs. They need to be able to be the best they can be.
Children without ADD have special needs. They also need to be the best they can be.

This story made DocBrain's brain explode!!!


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