The World according to DocBrain

Saturday, December 26, 2009


10/20/1987 - 12/26/2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey,...

DocBrain met with his billing service representative today. If all the cuts take place as currently scheduled to be enacted on Jan 1, 2010, there is no way DocBrain can continue his rural, mainly consulting Medicare-aged practice. This will pose a significant problem for the 70000 citizens of the county where DocBrain is the only practicing neurologist. So, if no corrective action is taken in Washington, DocBrain will officially close his practice on Dec 31, 2009. This will place 3 people besides DocBrain out of work. DocBrain may go on social security; the others on unemployment or on welfare. As is typical of Washington and the Left, their legislation will hurt those who are the most vulnerable.