The World according to DocBrain

Monday, July 06, 2009


Pollution is preventable, or at very least, can be limited. Some industries by nature create more pollution and these deserve higher baseline credits, but even these can use modern techniques to keep the pollution down. We really need to protect the earth from pollution. So, here is the deal. We will limit the amount of pollution a company can produce. If it produces less than the legislated amount, it can sell these to another company that pollutes more. If a company needs more than the legislated amount, it can buy from another company, or possibly even from the government. If the company cannot afford the credits, it will probably go out of business, or perhaps can work out a limited bail out program with the government while it improves its carbon footprint. If a group of people really feels sorry for the company, it can raise private funds to keep the company afloat by buying carbon credits for the company.

Chronic illness is preventable, or at very least, can be limited. Some people by nature are more predisposed to chronic illness and these deserve higher baseline health credits, but even these can use modern health care, exercise and diet to keep the chronic illness under better control. We really need to protect people from the effects of chronic illness. So, here is the deal. We will limit the amount of chronic illness we will pay for for an individual. If that person is healthy enough to spend less than the legislated amount, he can sell the additional benefits to another person who is more in need. If a person needs more than the legislated amount, he can buy from another person, or possibly even from the government. If the individual cannot afford the health credits, he will probably die, or perhaps he can work out a limited bail out program with the government while he improves his preventive practices. If a group of people really feels sorry for the person, it can raise private funds to keep the person alive by buying additional health care for the person.


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