The World according to DocBrain

Saturday, February 07, 2009

One Trillion Dollars

Exactly what is $1,000,000,000,000? What could you buy with this amount of money?

In 1975, it would have bought nearly all the land in the USA.
In 1991, it would have bought slightly less than half of all the land.

In 2004, it would have purchased all the land in Manhattan, with over 800 billion left over. Assuming some value for the structures on the land, it would clearly have bought all of Manhattan.

One trillion is a lot of money! Stacked in a pile, they would stretch around the earth at the equator. Three times! Laid end to end, they would stretch to the sun, with 3 million miles to spare!

Now that there is a compromise in place with some programs cut, who will take the heat if the stimulus program is not a success? The democrats who lobbied so hard for it? Or the Republicans who forced "key elements" out of the bill? You just know how the press will spin this one! Obama will not be allowed to have a failure. It will be due to the cuts insisted upon by the Republicans. Republicans are allowing themselves to be manipulated.

Confidence in the economy is the key element that keeps things going. It is not money. An administration that talks doom and gloom to get its wish list approved is playing on the emotions of the American people. This is a disaster!

Lastly, the concept that a tax cut would not do the trick is based on more opinion than fact. While there is some data that a tax cut for individuals might lead to increased savings rather than spending, there is no such data concerning businesses. To the contrary, there is almost universal data that as soon as companies get free money from the government, they spend it.

The inability of President Obama to encourage Americans to work hard, pull together and have faith in the future and our power as individuals to make it better indicates a person who values power. Power is nothing without fear, and fear of financial ruin is a strong motivator.


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