The World according to DocBrain

Friday, December 12, 2008

A Sh!t magnet?

Obama seems to have all the hallmarks of a nice guy. Dedicated student. Hard worker. Politician interested in solving problems. Family man.

And yet, we continue to see people surrounding him exhibiting the worst traits. Ayres, Wright, Lesko, and now Blagojevich. You couldn't buy such bad friends! OK, you could probably buy Blagojevich.

Hopefully, Obama will rid himself of these bad influences. Crooked Chicago politicians, hate mongers, home-grown terrorists and influence peddlers are not change I can believe in.

One last thing.

Why do you think that those involved in 911 want to confess now, rather than wait a few more weeks for Obama to close Gitmo? Last chance for martyrdom? Or, something else?