The World according to DocBrain

Friday, March 14, 2008

I'm not against you, I am just for myself

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright is passionate about black. His main thrust appears to be against everything that isn't black. In these things, he sees the word "white". Any church, synagogue or other religious organization might as well have the word "white" as part of its name. Any western country (especially the USA), business, or other organization has the word "white" as part of its name, just not actually said. This leads to great passions in his rhetoric. He would probably say that it leads to orations that are meant to empower blacks. But do they also lead to an "us vs them" world view?

The difference between being proactive for yourself and being biased against others is subtle. If you use the energy of group identification to endow yourself with the positive attitude that you can make it in the world if you apply yourself, and the nature to apply yourself is part of your group identity, then it is a good thing. If you use that energy to tear down others in order to make yourself feel better, to look for bias in others, and to accentuate difference as compared to promoting commonality, you are on a mission of misery.

The little that DocBrain has heard, probably specifically chosen by the media (white media the Reverend would say) seems to suggest that the Reverend needs a little more passion of peace and love. Obama would be wise to distance himself from hate.

Can I get an "Amen"?


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